QuickBooks Solution Provider

PNATC Accounting Technology Consultants

Accounting Technology Consultants

    QuickBooks Setup

    QuickBooks Setup with PNATC

    QuickBooks Setup Services


    Understanding your business needs and how QuickBooks can make your processes more efficient drives the decisions we make together. You can save time and avoid costly mistakes later on.

    QuickBooks Setup

    QuickBooks Setup

    System Design

    Starting with a thorough needs analysis we identify your short and long-term business goals. Your system is designed to work now and will also accommodate the ongoing growth of your company many years forward.

    QuickBooks Setup

    Our initial discovery checklist includes:

    • Understanding where your business processes can be more efficient
    • Selecting the right software package that fits your business needs best
    • Factoring in scalability
    • Identifying any 3d party applications that need to integrate with your system
    • Determining if custom programming is needed
    • Developing a plan for setup and configuration

    QuickBooks Setup

    Based on the plan we develop for you in step 1, we will:


    • Install and configure QuickBooks in your current local or hosted environment
    • Set up user access, roles and permissions
    • Customize your preferences

    Get your team set up the right way. If you wish QuickBooks could do more, learn more about our Custom Development Services.

    Common QuickBooks Setup Mistakes

    When you set up your QuickBooks accounting system, you should know the potential consequences of a bad setup. A bad QuickBooks setup can lead to inaccurate financial records, increased costs, and missed opportunities. Let's take a look at some of the most common problems that can occur when setting up your QuickBooks account. 

    Inaccurate Financial Records

    If your QuickBooks setup is inaccurate, you may not be able to track your finances accurately. This can lead to missed opportunities and inaccurate bills, costing you money in the long run.

    Increased Costs

    A bad QuickBooks setup can also lead to increased costs. For example, if you're not tracking your expenses properly, you may spend more money on goods and services than you would have if you had accurate records. This can also lead to financial problems down the road, as you'll have to pay more in taxes and insurance. 

    Missed Opportunities

    A bad QuickBooks setup can also lead to missed opportunities. For example, if you're not tracking your income and expenses, you may not be able to take advantage of lucrative deals or make important investments. This can lead to long-term financial problems. If you're experiencing any of the above problems with your QuickBooks setup, it's important to get help from a qualified accountant. A good accountant can help you fix your QuickBooks setup and ensure that your financial records are accurate and up to date.

    Our Core Values

    At PNATC, our client's success is our biggest priority. We provide solutions that promote growth and meet your unique business objectives. Our primary core values are designed to reflect our passion for providing an excellent customer and client engagement experience.

    Provide Solutions

    We empower our customers to digitally transform their businesses


    We provide tangible results through our consulting and software implementation services


    We stay humble, working as a team, hungry to grow, and intelligent being socially aware and intuitive to others' needs.

    Achieve Success

    With Innovation, identifying the best solution. Collaboration, using team resources, Implementation, exceeding expectations and delivering solutions.

    QuickBooks Setup

    QuickBooks Setup with PNATC

    See Our Reviews Online

    Working on projects with Joshua at PNATC has been a fantastic experience! Josh knows his stuff. The folks at PNATC not only know the technology, they are expert accountants and understand all things finance. Having those resources in one place is a huge advantage. And Josh is just an all-around great person, easy to get along with.

    Max Tyack

    P&N Client

    Highly recommended accounting technology firm. It's a pleasure to work with them. Super friendly and knowledgeable staff. Josh and Scott always think out of the box to find solutions for the most complicated migrations.

    Meir Stauber

    P&N Client

    Great firm. I work with them and recommend them to all of my clients. They have an amazing staff and phenomenal at taking care of Quickbooks. They go above and beyond and I often get unsolicited thank yous from the people I send their way. I would recommend them highly.

    Declan Daly

    P&N Client

    PNATC has been teaching QuickBook and Accounting classes to SCORE members over the past 10 years. They are experts in these topic areas and have been a tremendous value to hundreds of SCORE's members. Truly an outstanding base of knowledge! Kristin Cavataio and Andy Presti are top notch.

    Kendra Anderson

    P&N Client

    Josh is my No 1 person to go to with any question re Zoho Inventory. Not only is he knowledgeable, he is quick to help and excellent at explaining complex processes in a simple digestible manner. Would recommend PNATC and their team esp Josh.

    Meeta Gargav

    P&N Client


    Are you ready to get started with QuickBooks online?

    When setting up QuickBooks for the first time, there are a few things to remember. First, make sure your computer has the latest version of QuickBooks installed. Second, be sure to create a user account for yourself, and then create a new company. Third, create a bank account for your company, and then set up your company’s bank account in QuickBooks. Finally, create a customer account for your company, and then create your company’s customers in QuickBooks. Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to begin setting up your company’s finances.

    QuickBooks setup is important because it ensures that your business is organized and running smoothly. Without QuickBooks setup, your business may not be as efficient as it could be, leading to more problems down the road. QuickBooks setup also ensures that your finances are in order to focus on running your business and making money. Finally, the QuickBooks setup helps you stay organized and keep track of your finances so that you can make informed decisions about your business.

    contact PNATC Accounting Technology Consultants

    Get QuickBooks setup and configured the way you want it.

    Wonder if QuickBooks can work the way you always wished it would? It can.


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